Monday, November 30, 2009


More than just distressed,
I'm harassed of the mind
Perplexed of the soul
Emasculated of my sensibilities
Ripped of a certain joy
I'm just a pale shadow of myself

Friday, November 13, 2009


I have been provoked
My toe has been stepped upon
I have been nose-poked by charlatans
And looked down upon by soul serenading shenanigans,
Overlooked by thorns that thrive in the desert places,
Trampled by egoists who toot their horns over the mountainous places
Abused by storms that trod the corridors of presidential places
Across the platonic plains and fickle fields
I see the doom of the Downtrodden
And the curse of the crestfallen
But from the doldrums I shall arise,
I will arise from within the dungeons
That faithful to myopic ram-shackled whims of its father-creator,
Shackle me to the twilight of nonentity,
Erasing in cognito any trace of my identity
Plunging me still neck deep into the insignificance of a fool’s stop,
Then like a beckoning boomerang turn around to raise a mockery on the ant hill’s mole
But I shall not retort, nor shall I report, the folly of they and their cohorts
Who 2 light years ago before the sea-shelled sea communed with the benign waves of the Korley Lagoon; fought from this position, despised and castaway.
Who will begrudge this murmuring today! They ought to know,
Being adorned with the dipo-adorned beauty of knowledge,
that virgin knowledge, which today has deserted and seered the sanctity of their conscience.
Sanity shall not return to where vanity prevail; nor shall we in our poverty, the rich hail
Lest it be veiled with the contamination. We cannot fail… not to fail.
Per chance if I dance in my dreams to the melodious tune of the faithful flute,
Know that I’m in Utopia. Where my voice dare deserts its dearest owner,
Where my speech will not be muffled mute by faceless fickle-minded thugs
And crushed into smokeful smithereen’s gloomy oblivion

Yet, I shall arise in might and evoke upon them the blessings of divine deity
But I shall not retort nor report the folly of they and their cohorts
Who 2 light years ago fought from this position, despised
I will only rise in might and with a waved of my right hand
Evoke upon them the blessings of divine deity
I will not even remind them of the yester years of 2 light years
The blessings of the divine deity will i only invoke
And remember to remind them that i will no more be provoked
I will let sleeping dogs lie, for the art of vengeance is no more in vogue

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I have seen it all
How many great men fall
Lo! it is here with me
Far it was from me or so it seemed
Alas, I wait in pain, nothing to gain but shame
For it happened that vanity was my bane
A moment of pleasure
And i lost the life that was given without measure
I despised purity
The result, Unfulfilled destiny
Now i know full well, that all is vanity
Yet I know i will answer to posterity
For i owed them a duty
It is not my dirge i sing
But for generations time will bring
And so it came
Earlier than anticipated, but it came
With icy hands and clenched teeth it came
Along the windy path it came
Without mercy it came
To lay its claim
And it shall come to pass,
That your truly shall cripple in death
Unto ashes he shall return
Unto the earth's bosom he shall disappear
Our voices he will no more hear
From dust he came, to dust he will disappear